Event's Time, Date & Venue

Date: 19th to 20th November 2024
Time: 10 AM Each Day
Venue: ETF Auditorium, Igbariam Campus, COOU

Under the Distinguished Chairmanship of Bro. Felix A. Obua, (Mbanalagu, Ikemba of Idemili), Coordinator, Abuja Metropolitan Management Council

Chief Host: Prof. Kate A. Omenugha fnipr, Acting Vice Chancellor, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Keynote Speaker:
Engr. Dr. Nicholas Igwe, National Coordinator, Organized Private Sector for Water Sanitation and Hygiene (OPS-WASH)

Lead Paper Presenters:
Engr. Chief Bart Nwibe (Ugo Igboukwu), GMD Segofs Energy Group

Prof. Amin Al Habaibeh, School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment, Nottingham Trent University, City Campus, United Kingdom

Guests of Honour:
HRM Eze Dr. Ebuka Onunkwo, CEO, Seahorse Lubricant Ind. Ltd.

Barr. Orbby V. Agwuncha, PP BossLadyLaw Chambers

Engr. Julius Chukwuemeka, Hon. Commissioner for Power and Water Resources, Anambra State Government.

Call for Paper

In line with our quest for cutting-edge research in engineering and other related disciplines, the Faculty of Engineering Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University (COOU) as the organizers, invite you to participate at the 5th International Conference on Engineering Adaption and Policy Reforms for Industrial Development (ICEAPRID 2024) with the theme:

ADVANCING NIGERIA: The Role of Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability and Engineering.

Interested participants who are willing to present their well-researched paper(s) at the conference are hereby requested to submit full-length paper(s) on or before October 22, 2024. Papers are expected to address issues related to the main theme and the following subthemes:

– Artificial Intelligence
– Sustainability
– Energy and Alternative Sources
– Infrastructural Development and Environmental Control
– Waste Management Issues and the Environment
– National Security
– Power Systems: Generation, Transmission and Distribution Subsystems
– Solid Minerals and Raw Materials Processing
– Industrial Automation Systems
– Nanotechnology: Nanoenergy and nanoelectronics
– Climate Change

All submissions should be prepared in a Microsoft Word file, typeset using 12 points Times New Romans Font on 8.5 x 11 inches sq. (A4 paper), leaving an inch margin.

Title: A maximum of twenty (20) Words.

Full Authorship: Name(s) of Author(s), Institutional affiliations, status, postal, e-mail addresses.

Abstract: A maximum of 250 words

Keywords: A maximum of eight words

Introduction: The paper should contain a clearly written introduction to explain the nature of the problem, previous works, purpose, and contribution of the paper.

Methodology: Describe the materials and methods used to carry out the research.

Result and Discussion: A section indicating results and discussion must be included and should indicate the advantages, limitations, and possible applications of the research findings.

Conclusion: Assessment of result/restatement of achievements.

References: Harvard referencing format should be used for in-text citations and the reference list. An example of in-text citation is (Ugwu & Nnanna, 2023).

The reference list should follow this format:

Author surname, initial. (Year) ā€˜Article titleā€™, Journal Name, Volume (Issue), pp. page range.

For example:
Ugwu, G.W. and Nnanna, S. M. (2023). Parameter Identification and Induction Motor using Dynamic Encoding Algorithm, IEEE Transaction of Energy Conversion, Vol 1, pp.16-25.

Papers will be subjected to double-blind review and the corresponding author will be promptly informed of the decision of the Editorial Board.

Paper Submission: Articles/papers should be submitted electronically as attachments through our dedicated emails: editor.iceaprid@coou.edu.ng, jp.iloh@coou.edu.ng, canwabueze@yahoo.com.

Important Dates/Deadlines

Paper Submission Deadline: 22nd Oct. 2024

Review & Decision Deadline: 29th Oct. 2024

Submission of Accepted Papers: 12th Nov. 2024

Submission of PowerPoint Presentation (online): 5th Nov. 2024

Conference Fees

National Participants: N 30,000

International Participants: US $100

Postgraduate Students: N 20,000

Student Participants: N 5,000


Back cover: N 200,000

Inside back cover: N 150,000

Inside front cover: N 150,000

Full page: N 50,000

Half page: N 25,000

Quarter page: N 15,000

All payments for the conference should be made into any of the following accounts:

A/C Name: Faculty of Engineering Conference and Publication

A/C No.: 1013365562 (Zenith Bank) or 3943008314 (Ecobank)

For Advertisements and other information, contact: Engr. Dr. Nwanneka C. Muonwuba, +234 806 359 1019 (Publicity Subcommittee)

For travel and hotel reservations, contact: Engr. Dr. V.C. Ezechukwu,+2348061393474 (Contact and Mobilization Subcommittee)

For further details, contact any of the undersigned:

Engr. Prof. C.A. Nwabueze, Dean, Faculty of Engineering / Convener, +234 806 012 7655

Engr. Prof. John Paul I. Iloh, LOC Chairman, +234 803 629 9024

Engr. Mrs. B.O. Okafor, LOC Secretary, +234 703 166 4998